Terms of use

**1. Definitions**

– “Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our” refers to Radio Taxis Winchester.
– “Customer,” “you,” or “your” refers to the user of our taxi services.

**2. Booking and Payment**

– All bookings must be made through our official channels, including our website or phone.
– Payment terms, including fares, surcharges, and additional charges, are clearly outlined during booking and can vary based on the type of service provided.

**3. Cancellations and Refunds**

– Our cancellation policy, including deadlines and associated fees, is detailed on our website.
– Refund policies are determined on a case-by-case basis and depend on the nature of the cancellation.

**4. Passengers and Luggage**

– The maximum number of passengers and luggage capacity for each vehicle type is specified on our website.
– Passengers are responsible for their luggage and belongings during the journey.

**5. Conduct**

– We expect all passengers to treat our drivers, vehicles, and fellow passengers with respect.
– Any disruptive, unsafe, or inappropriate behavior may result in the termination of the journey and reporting to local authorities, if necessary.

**6. Liability and Insurance**

– We have appropriate insurance coverage for all passengers during the journey.
– Our liability for any loss, damage, injury, or delay is limited to the terms outlined in our insurance policy and local regulations.

**7. Force Majeure**

– We are not liable for any delays, cancellations, or changes in service due to circumstances beyond our control, such as natural disasters, strikes, or government regulations.

**8. Privacy Policy**

– We collect and use passenger data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website.

**9. Complaints and Feedback**

– We welcome passenger feedback and complaints. Please contact our customer service department for assistance.

**10. Changes to Terms & Conditions**

– We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Updated terms will be posted on our website.

**11. Applicable Law**

– These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Winchester City Council. Any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Winchester City Council.

By using our taxi services, you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, we advise against using our services.

For any questions or concerns about these Terms and Conditions, please contact our customer service department.

Certainly, here’s an addition to your Terms & Conditions page to address quotations based on distance and the potential for price variations due to unusual traffic or circumstances:

**12. Quotations**

– Our quotations for taxi services are primarily based on the distance to be traveled and the type of service requested. These quotations are provided to you at the time of booking and are subject to change only under specific circumstances.

– Please note that quotations are estimates and may vary based on actual travel conditions. Unusual traffic patterns, road closures, detours, or unforeseen circumstances beyond our control may impact the final fare.

– In cases where the journey deviates significantly from the initially estimated distance or duration due to the aforementioned factors, additional charges may apply. These additional charges will be communicated to you by our driver or customer service representative during or after the journey.

– We are committed to transparency, and any changes to the fare will be explained to you clearly. We encourage you to discuss any concerns or discrepancies regarding the fare with our driver or our customer service team before concluding the journey.

– While we strive to provide accurate quotations, please be aware that the final fare may differ from the initial estimate in certain situations. We appreciate your understanding in such cases.

By booking our services, you acknowledge and accept the possibility of variations in the fare due to factors beyond our control, and you agree to pay the final fare as determined at the end of your journey.

For any questions or concerns regarding quotations, fare adjustments, or billing, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we are here to address any inquiries you may have.